Holding a funeral or memorial service for your loved one is a positive first step in the grieving process. Family members and friends get a chance to say their goodbyes, and at the same time, they get to share strong feelings with one another.
In the days, weeks and months following the service, people continue to need others to lean on for understanding, encouragement and guidance. For that reason, many local and national support groups have formed. These groups provide a common place and a comforting environment for expressing emotions through each phase of the grieving process. To learn more, click on the links below, or discuss grief counseling and support options with your funeral director.
AARP Grief & Loss: a collection of resources and an on-line support community.
National Funeral Directors Association: Frequently Asked Questions about grief.
American Cancer Society: Support to cancer patients, family and friends.
Growth House: Discusses hospice care, dying with dignity, terminal illness, grief and bereavement.
GROWW.org: message boards, resource listings and secure chat rooms for the grieving.
WidowNet: an information and support resource for, and by, widows and widowers.
National SIDS and Infant Death Program Support Center: provides research, education, and support for families dealing with SIDS.
Bereaved Parents USA: a nationwide organization designed to aid and support bereaved parents and their families.
The Compassionate Friends: supports families who have experienced the death of a child.
SHARE Pregnancy & and Infant Loss Support: provides support to those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through early pregnancy loss, stillbirth or newborn death.
Fernside Online: an online resource for grieving children.
The Dougy Center: the first center in the United States to provide peer support groups for grieving children. They provide support and training locally, nationally and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children in grief.
We are available in your time of need. Contact our staff at any hour, at (609) 654-2298.
Family-owned and operated since 1936
Beautiful, impeccably restored facility
Extensive personalization options
Free aftercare and grief support
© Lechner Funeral Home | Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA
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